
Kublai Khan - Part 1


Grandson of Genghis Khan Kublai Khan lived from 1215 to 1294. He was the grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai conquered China and became the first emperor of the Yuan or Mongol dynasty. In theory, he was the ruler of all of the lands conquered by the Mongols. In practice, he was the emperor of China and he paid relatively little attention to his other territories. In lived from 1215 to 1294. He was the only Khan who looked upon power in a "traditional" way. Most of the Khans viewed power as a personal or family affair. Kublai Khan viewed power as an attempt to rule and govern a state, and to provide for the continuing of his regime.

Kublai Khan was the fourth son of Tolui, the youngest of Genghis' four sons by his favorite wife. Kublai' Khan began to play a role in Mongol politics when-he was in his mid-thirties (1251). His brother, Mongke, who was the Great Khan, decided to conquer Sung China. Kublai Khan was given responsibility for the civil and military affairs of China. Although he could never read or write Chinese, he surrounded himself with talented Confucian advisors. He saw the relationship and interdependence of ruler and ruled.